Sagat would be proud of his homeland TGU and more | Set Point! October 9, 2024
Welcome back to Set Point!. This week we had Thaiger Uppercut (TGU) in Thailand, Dreamhack Atlanta, Twitch Rivals, and more. The momentum isn’t slowing down as this weekend we are getting East Coast Throwdown.
Let’s rock.
This week has been a bit hectic for me with hurricane Milton. Please forgive the some of the bullet points on this one. Hoping all my FGC friends in Florida.
GOOD. ASS. TEKKEN — Tekken 8 at Thaiger Uppercut
- 14 out of top twenty TWT qualifiers were at TGU, 33 out of top 40
- THE JON wins.
- America’s Own Shadow 20z beat ULSAN in Winners Semi-Final Knee in losers final.
- Shadow Only lost to THE JON in Winners Final and Grand Final
- Knee lost to ULSAN in Winners Quarter-Final, wins 2–0 in the runback against ULSAN in Losers Semi-Final
- Evo Champion Arslan, went out of his pool on losers side getting 7th place losing to Mulgold and Patloars
poka: Guilty Gear’s Next Great? — Guilty Gear -strive- at Thaiger Uppercut
- Sixteen year old poka from Japan wins his very first major. poka made a heck of a losers run after losing his pool and resetting grand finals against LEO. .
- Favorite to win this bracket tatuma finished third
- This was a Gold Event for Arc World Tour
mok moves on — King of Fighters XV at Thaiger Uppercut
- mok qualifies for SNK World Championships by winning the stacked TGU bracket beating both Lacid and Madkof who got 2nd and 3rd respectively.
- Tekken TGU winner THE JON got 5th in KOF XV
- Madkof went on to win KOF ’98 as well.
Other Highlights from Thaiger Uppercut
Three time Evo champion, gamera takes the dub for Granblue Fantasy Versus : Rising. Zenith put gamera in losers during Winners final, but gamera adjusted, reset the bracket and took the whole thing. This was a Gold Event for Granblue. Top 8 VOD
Ikoan wins the Dragon Ball FighterZ World Tour Power Event. Not much change to the leaderboard for offline players. Top 8 VOD
Justin Wong wins both Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 at TGU
jojotaro wins Street Fighter 6
See full standings for the event here.
Georgia’s on Our Mind — Dreamhack Atlanta 2024
Dreamhack is a large gaming, esports, technology, and media convention that happens all around the world. While it is a large event, most brackets are a single day. Brackets are held for all sorts of eSports. You can find which non-fighting game events were held here. None of the FGC events qualify for any world tours, but it is a very high profile and stacked bracket.
People asked why Punk was standing, but he still takes the win over NoahTheProdigy in Street Fighter 6. Dual Kevin, iDom, CamPaine, ShadePrince, Magnegro, and Shine also made top 8. Top 8 VOD.
NoahTheProdigy has had killer results this year with his performances at Combo Breaker, CEO, THE MIXUP, and the Esports World Cup, it would not be surprising if the prodigy takes his first major this year.
One of Tekken 8's best, Joe Crush was defeated by Mortal Kombat Evo Champion Ninjakilla. While beating Joe Crush previously at a TNS bracket in September this was Ninjakilla’s first offline Tekken 8 tournament this year, pretty good run if you ask me! The top 8 VOD has not been uploaded yet. Here is Top 32.
Flyquest also wins Guilty Gear Strive with Razzo beating out Umisho in a nail biting Grand Finals reset. Top 8 VOD.
Other winners from Dreamhack:
- Bandinoz wins Mortal Kombat 1
- Escalante wins Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
- Ladewaybac wins Granblue Fantasy Versus : Rising
- omega wins Smash Ultimate
Full bracket results can be viewed here.
Marvel 2 lives— Twitch Rivals
In a historic moment, Twitch Rivals holds a tournament for their oldest fighting game yet, Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Hosted by Maximillian DOOD, the event featured OG Marvel 2 players including SmoothViper, Roundhouse, Romneto, and many more. Team3arcade won the bracket. Check out the VOD.
World Warrior and Street Fighter League Japan Results
In last week’s post I remarked how this week was Japan’s fourth World Warrior. That was incorrect, this is the third.
In probably the most stacked Super Region, Japan’s third World Warrior shakes up the rankings and the top 8 spots for the region are still open to anyone in the region. Kawano, Kakeru, and Itabashi Zangief got first, second, and third. The rest of top 8 included pugera, Mizuha, Jaccy, KojiKOG, and Fuudo. Here’s the top 16 watch along with Saint Cola
Deiver wins World Warrior 4 for Spain/Portugal bringing his total to 125 points, making him second to Samoel with 140 points.
Street Fighter League Japan Week 6:
S Division — English Commentary VOD
- Saishunkan Sol sweeps IBUSHIGIN
- Nagoya Oja Body Star beats DetonatioN FocusMe
- Shinobism Gaming beats Good 8 Squad overtaking them for the #1 spot with 160 points
F Division — English Commentary VOD
- In a final tie-breaker, Crazy Raccoon beats FAV gaming. This could have been FAV gaming’s first win of the season.
- Varrel wins 3–0 against CAG Osaka
- yogibo REJECT beats Team IXA and is in the lead with 165 points.
Street Fighter League Japan is going to take a mid-season brake and will return with division S playing on 10/22.
Roundhouse 2024
Roundhouse is a large regional in the Midwest US. The event also held Midbeast, which is a series where the top 3 players from each state form a team to play in a 3v3 exhibition match to find who is the best state in the region (with the exception being a Last Chance Qualifier team). Very cool!
Here are the winners from each bracket:
- Earl wins Street Fighter 6
- The Mayor wins Tekken 8
- Eddventure wins Guilty Gear -strive-
- Team Minnesota wins Midbeast Tekken 8
- Team LCQ wins Midbeast Street Fighter 6
Full results can be viewed here
In Other News
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero releases 10/11. Early Access began on Monday 10/7
Drowing Pools 2024, a large regional in Liverpool, UK happened this past weekend. See the results here.
Vortex Gallery Begins — community effort for all sorts of competitive games starts 10/11. Find your favorite bracket to join here
xiaohai wins week 4 of the SNK Championship Series
Frosty Fausting registration opens up Today! (10/9)
MenaRD begins practicing for a match with Justin Wong? See last week’s post for context.
Kusanagi (Mexico) wins the Mexico Qualifier for the Red Bull Kumite 2025 in France. Interestingly enough, he used Terry for the bracket.
Tekken World Tour bans Chinese player XCC right before Winners Quarter-Final at Thaiger Uppercut. XCC expressed his gratitude for the support from the international FGC community. The banning created lots of discussion around Bandai’s relationship to China, as well as ethics and organization of the Tournament Organizers of the event.
SNK vs. Capcom SVC CHAOS gets a minor patch. The patch includes enabling hitboxes in training mode, freeplay in arcade mode, improved Xbox controller support, and unlockable endings are now in the Gallery. See the full patch notes here.
Here Comes a New Challenger!
Events coming up next week:
- Brazil Game Show October 9–13
- Week 5 SNK Championship Series (Online, East Asia) October 10
- Dragon Ball: Sparking! full release October 11
- East Coast Throwdown in Hartford, CT October 11–13. It is a Street Fighter 6 CPT Offline Event, an Arc World Tour Gold Event for Guilty Gear -strive- and Granblue Fantasy Versus : Rising , a King of Fighters XV SNK World Championship Qualifier, and a Dragonball FigherZ World Tour Power Event.
- First Attack in San Juan, Puerto Rico October 12–13. It is an Arc World Tour Gold Event for Guilty Gear -strive- and Granblue Fantasy Versus : Rising.
- Fight for Glory in Santiago, Chile October 12–13. It is a King of Fighters XV SNK World Championship Qualifier.
- EsportsU CECC Street Figher 6 Qualifiers October 12
You Win!
Thanks for reading or skimming my post! I hope you found it helpful, or just skipped the parts that weren’t. If you made it this far, please subscribe to this blog for next week’s Set Point! FGC news round up.
You are also invited to hang out with me on Twitch or on Twitter.
With the storm I will not be streaming this week :(